Local Taxes Comparison

The St. Mary's Commissioners held their budget hearing this week. The proposal is to raise the county piggyback income tax to the legal limit of 3.2%. One of my top goals is to keep you well informed, so I put together a tax comparison chart of the three Southern Maryland Counties.  These are the CURRENT taxes and rates for each Southern Maryland county.

Let's dig into the tax comparison. St. Mary's County's property tax rate is .85 cents on $ 100 of assessed value, which is often cited as low. However, it's important to note that this isn't a direct comparison with neighboring counties. Each county addresses Fire, Rescue, and support services slightly differently. Additionally, St. Mary's is the only Southern Maryland county that taxes energy and has a substantially higher real estate transfer tax, especially compared to Calvert County, where it doesn't exist.

While it may seem like a small difference, these additional taxes can add up for residents and businesses. It's essential to stay informed about the budget process and how it may affect you and your family's overall tax burden.

Please click the Read More link:

I hope you find the information interesting. Email them if you would like to share your opinion with the County Commissioners, as a vote on this proposal is near. Their contact information can be found here: https://www.stmaryscountymd.gov/csmc/#ContactUs

*Highlighted items are things that have changed since 2020.
